Views from an Amateur Philosopher

Within the infinite vastness, nothingness of the universe there is light and life you can see and love that you can feel. They exist in a most infinitesimal form in comparison to the impressive infinite baron grandeur. Hidden within what we describe as nothing exists everything. You can float in the universal darkness and be consumed by it, or you can focus on the most distant light, recognize that life exists and feel the love. It is nothing more than perception provided you allow yourself to accept it as truth and as a reality that you create. A deep understanding of the darkness in order to truly appreciate the light. If you choose to allow yourself to be consumed by that darkness then there is no light to appreciate because you fail to accept an equal balance of the physical, mental and metaphysical. The conscious and subconscious aspects of the ALL. Perception of what is or even what could be. Hidden within what is described as nothing exists everything. 

Much of what is, is in fact described as nothingness 


The space between 

The furthest point is often unseen 

Yet there is existence 

The smallest part of existence presents itself in that which is not 

Life in the midst of the void contained in one blue dot 

Love alone is the everything 

Light alone in the midst of the nothing 

One piece of a puzzle consumed by darkness 

Present is the light that shines in its brightness 

That which exists beyond that what is easily noticed is to be appreciated just as much as it is also truth if you will only allow yourself to consider, theorize philosophize and eventually believe that it truly exists. It is a willingness and a mental allowance of the potential existence of something not easily seen that gives you true ability to reason. Allowing yourself to believe in that which exists beyond and understand how powerful you truly are will give you the mental ability to dismantle a complexity and simplify the pieces which ultimately will provide true understanding, true reasoning and a quest for truth with the end result of internal peace thus raising your frequency and vibration. A method that resonates. Formed as a feeling as opposed to merely seeing and observing but a feeling of understanding and what that truly means. Allowing yourself to question this directs you to a true understanding of yourself and why, who and what you are. Simple levels of practicing true understanding as an example is noticing that the growing level of societal frustration derives from the expanding levels of complexity and confusion unnaturally injected into a process or procedure. Further levels of frustration derive from the corruption of such truth for power and material. This then resonates as a feeling of frustration which eventually equates to misunderstandings or worse. Allowing yourself to see beyond something as a common frustration will give you the power to break apart that complexity into pieces of simplicity. From experience and my perception, there is a small but growing consort of society that has begun to accelerate their questioning, to put it simply they understand something is not quite right with the basics of what has been commonly communicated and accepted. Whether they have raised their vibration and frequency to recognize the propaganda promoted under the auspices of the control mechanism or just simply feel that something exists beyond the ubiquitous influences. In the quest for truth you must seek wisdom from true knowledge without perception or judgement in a layered understanding of identity. It is the perception that changes the outcome. 

Knowledge + perception = reality 

Knowledge - perception = truth 

Creation is life’s ultimate purpose. The energy, frequency and vibrations already exist and using those elements to create becomes the purpose. Using free will to create an experience to gain knowledge and wisdom to fulfill that purpose. The purpose of life is creation because you are a creator of your own experience. You are given the free will to create every aspect of your own reality. Creationism is the ultimate purpose, and not just to create life but to create out of your own infinite energy and consciousness. The human contains the consciousness which lives forever as they are the creator of their own experience and have free will to create every aspect of their own reality. They can create a positive experience or a negative experience. A positive experience to change someone’s negative reality or a negative experience to change someone’s positive reality. They use free will to choose and they must choose between the positive or negative or as it echoes throughout time, the good versus the evil. They are that which lives forever but not in the physical because humans possess one thing that separates us from all the rest of the creatures on this planet at least, the free will to create every aspect of reality which then translates into physical, mental and spiritual existence. The true essence of what you are isn’t any attribute that you can put on a piece of paper. You are the bundle of sensory experiences that manifest within you and that is what truly shapes your life and defines who you really are. A bundle of sensory experiences contained within the conscious, subconscious and soul. A learned and shared experience of existence. By using free will that you inherit, you can then begin the process of dismantling the negative aspects of the future and deeply understand that nothing does not exist, luck does not exist, coincidence does not exist and as such the effect of a change of reality is from a linkable cause. The effect is seen heard and often felt but that doesn’t mean there is no cause especially if that cause is not apparent or easily calculated. The future only exists in minds vibration so if you can tune into that vibration, you can understand what the intent is, what the plan is and or what the agenda is. You can focus to understand and recognize the propaganda and feel that something just isn’t quite right. Love peace and happiness versus hate hurt and pain are effects. The need to recognize and accept that the negativity or evil exists in order to defeat it and provide a positive experience. It seems as if the awakening process is in fact in direct relation to experiencing a level of consciousness shift which leads to altered states of reason, logic and the quest for real truth from the societal constructs and the corruption of it. It is a direct result of the insertion and adoption of unnatural elements into such things as medicine, food, water and manufactured products. Complexity of what was never supposed to be complex. Nature is complex yet it functions in a natural state of what seems as uncomplicated and not complex. The unnatural elements injected into it make it much more complex to the point where you can notice it. It changes the complexity and adapting to the change becomes a source of contention and confusion. It’s the unnatural elements injected into every system, every structure and everyday life that leads to this modern form of frustration, confusion and anger. 

The importance of creating enough internal space to allow all parts to coexist without contradiction now become necessary so that you can expand your mental capacity to receive the fullest amount of energy by transforming and absorbing the remnants of all the vibration, frequency and light that fade away into the night. Once you allow yourself to think deeply enough about the things that aren’t easily noticed you become more aware of the possibilities that truly exist. What can exist, provided you allow yourself to be open to hearing and experiencing other possibilities will give you extra levels of perception such as when people question the existence of God because the initial argument is mainly that you cannot see God. You can see intelligent design in the creationism contained in life, in nature and in the infinite vastness of unknown universe. The intricacies of nature and complexity of the human body are physical aspects of intelligent design. You cannot see GOD. This becomes the most obvious argument against the existence of. In the same respect you cannot see love. Nevertheless, you can see the effects and physical aspects of love through creative displays and actions. You do not randomly find love as it is something created. It isn’t something you can see. It is invisible yet it exists as feelings that accumulate in the invisible subconscious within the intelligently created complexity that is the human. 

We live in the past 

We prepare for our future last 

We observe in the present  

We have lost our methods and realizations of why we should repent  

Tracing time along paths scattered with remnants of old 

Basking in rays broken by trees and the stories left untold  

To be much more than a simple observer  

Participate in life’s challenge and spread the positive light further  

It isn’t enough to listen and observe from afar 

Understand the lessons learned from experiences of old will allow you to be a true shining star 

The construct of time serves as the tool to have these certain lessons and experiences recorded and catalogued as a measurement or to access for knowledge past present and future. It is time that serves as the tool to have these certain lessons and experiences recorded and catalogued as a measurement or to access for knowledge past present and future. If we look at the physical realm and state that time passes as fast as it does, and we experience the effects of aging as quickly as we have then the most important part of the life we have is to create the most positive peaceful loving experiences and focus on this aspect of the reality we choose. 

You can go back to the past in your mind 

You can go to the future in time 

You can see yourself in the mirror to remind 

And be the verse of spirit in rhyme 

Within the written historical constraints of the passing millennium are noticeable periods of time where the most ethical, moral, smartest and overall great people were held in the highest regards. Held to the standards of idolization or looked up to for guidance based on these outlining qualities. Understanding and realizing this when we revisit history and read through past philosophical writings and teachings is not a priority or even spoken about. Not many people even figure this out when comparing to the idols or people looked up to in the present. Today’s highest regarded are the ones who have the most money or hold the highest positions. The richest, most successful in business, politics, movie stardom and sports are the ones who are to become targets of interest, who are written about and who are asked to be followed and asked for quotes of motivation and inspiration. Why? Is it because we have become a society where money is the idol and those who possess it are to be held in the highest regards? I speak generally because reading this you may agree or even have realized this and I may not be the only one to understand this construct. Majority may not and most likely do not. Not to say that those who are being held to the highest today are not moral or ethical and overall great people as I have met some that are. However, it has become a constant tone echoing throughout the world that those with such virtues are the ones who should be followed and looked up to. If it is that history repeats itself will history repeat itself in this way? Will our future society be looking for the philosophers, artists, poets, and creative thinkers to lead us into the future and become the ones to be admired? 

The way we choose to see and feel the world creates the world that we see and feel. If you change your perception the things you perceive will change. This is the part of a true experience hidden in the depths of the universe that you connect with, and these experiences influence your subconscious which ultimately affects the conscious. You’re the architect of your own reality so design a life that resonates with your true self and embrace your uniqueness and let it illuminate those around you. In a sense it is belief in that which exists, and the power of belief should never be taken for granted or ignored. What you believe is what you will experience so if you believe and think about the negative then the odds are in the favor of the negative experience. If you believe in the power of positive then in fact the odds play in your favor as that is the experience you will desire and will eventually create. The power contains the influence which will affect your life significantly and this will be your present and future. 

Reflections of the crepuscular 

Setting sun lost in thought contemplating the parallel and perpendicular 

The moon now becomes the thief in the night 

It does what it can to share the stolen light 

It only takes one person to spread the light to all. In order to appreciate and accept the light you must recognize and understand the darkness. Understand and truly accept the construct of creation and appreciate the grand architect of the universe so that you choose to highly value the thief that illuminates in the simplest yet most elegant of ways. A reflection from the source of life to provide enough light to guide you on a path deep into the night. 

Creationism and truth through real perception 

Within yourself from your acts to your direction 

Never truly lost 

It’s a true understanding of you that matters most 

The truest level of understanding comes in deeply understanding yourself and one way is to not use definitive words such as “complete or completely” because there is always more to learn. It begins with who you think are and what you think you are then progresses to who you know you are and what you realize you have become from the how and why. Much of the what’s and why’s from a journey of self-discovery will be eventually realized from being able to access the part of you that isn’t readily available in the forms of recollection. If you want truth from others then determine what it is that is true within you and why. If you want peace, love and or happiness then the same applies and even further the why of the actions and decisions you make. But how? How would you even realize or understand any of this and if it is in fact true and what you think you want versus what you truly need and don’t want to admit. Allowing yourself to accept and admit it now becomes the challenge because now the process of the journey becomes in your ability to be able to elevate your frequency and give off the highest levels of vibration. Understand the who and what and not the where because where you are is only relevant to how you use your free will and what type of experience you have chosen to create and include yourself in. An answer to the questions related to yourself and solving these questions can be addressed provided you allow yourself to believe it and accept it. It’s a journey of accessing the subconscious as that is where everything is stored from the physical, mental and beyond. Once you can truly recognize and understand the parts of you that you believe do not exist because you cannot readily access them, see or feel them is when you go through the journey of discovering the real truth about yourself, as it is often not the one you think you understand. It is simply cause and effect as there are no coincidences only ways to coincide provided you allow yourself to perceive it. 

Mentally standing on the megalithic building blocks and marble columns from Egypt to Greece 

Theories, ideas and philosophies from ancient bones I speak


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